Write Your First Deployment Manager File for Storage in GCP

Write Your First Deployment Manager File for Storage in GCP


This Deployment Manager file will create a storage bucket in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The bucket will be used to store data, such as files and images, for a project or application.


The following resources will be created as part of this deployment:

  • A storage bucket

  • An IAM policy to grant access to the bucket


The following variables will be used in this deployment:

  • project_id: The ID of the GCP project in which the bucket will be created.

  • bucket_name: The name of the storage bucket.

  • location: The location of the bucket. This will determine the geographic location of the bucket and the location of the data stored in it.

  • iam_user: The email address of the IAM user who will be granted access to the bucket.


To deploy this configuration, run the following command:

gcloud deployment-manager deployments create storage-bucket --config storage-bucket.yaml


This is the configuration file for the deployment:

  - name: storage-bucket
    type: storage.v1.bucket
      name: "${bucket_name}"
      location: "${location}"
  - name: iam-policy
    type: iam.v1.policy
        - role: roles/storage.objectAdmin
          - user:${iam_user}
      resource: "projects/${project_id}/buckets/${bucket_name}"


  • The IAM policy grants the specified user the storage.objectAdmin the role, which allows them to manage the objects in the bucket.

  • The location of the bucket should be chosen based on the location of the data and the users who will access it. Choosing a location closer to these users can improve performance.