What does DevSecOps really stand for?
Integration of security in DevOps
The Definition of DevSecOps is how we put security into the DevOps process and
How do we merge the two together and still ensure that from the security perspective you have all the checkpoints you have implemented
When we are developing a plan the goal should be how we make the dev team have more ownership of the process.
Integration of automation in every step is going to be key.
Role of Automation in DevSecOps
Key to being Quick and Agile.
May affect which tool can be used.
Everything Needs to happen quickly.
Another part of DevSecOps Is Education
- Developer team should learn the Basic Security Practices, Because this will help to speed up the development process and DevOps process Too.
Ultimate Goal the DevSecOps is the Development Team Also Responsible for the Security Of The Application.
Most Hottest Topic In Kubecon 2022 is "LEFT SHIFT MOVEMENT"
DevOps Everything Want to Move Left
Help Things get done more quickly
The primary goal of the DevSecOps is to Enable Development
Security Team Role in DevOps
The security team needs to provide
In the end, Shifting Left is Great but In DevSecOps We should Shift Everywhere Defects can be found Everywhere They can be found In Development/Testing/Production, So We shouldn't Just Shift Left.